Monday, February 21, 2005

Boost your immunity

Do You Want to Boost Your Immunity?

If you are immunity challenged, there are some things you need to do
to keep your immune system working:

1. Get enough sleep, at least eight hours;

2. Eat a healthy diet and do not overdo your eating habits;

3. Take a multivitamin daily;

4. Exercise - but if you have not been doing exercise, start out slowly and work your way up;

5. Most of all, learn to handle your stress. Stress really hurts the immune system and you certainly do not want this. If you are feeling stressed, meditate and breathe deeply.

What Are the Best Sources of Antioxidants?

A United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) study finds beans and blueberries rank at the top for antioxidants. Each food was measured for antioxidant concentration as well as antioxidant capacity per serving size. Antioxidants, which are thought to fight cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease, were found most plentiful in beans, berries, artichokes, apples, potatoes, prunes, and pecans. "The bottom line is the same: eat more fruits and veggies," says lead author Ronald L. Prior, a chemist and nutritionist with the USDA in Little Rock, Arkansas. "This study confirms that those foods are full of benefits, particularly those with higher levels of antioxidants. Nuts and spices also are good sources." Ground cloves, ground cinnamon, and oregano had the highest amounts of antioxidants of the spices studied.


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